Posts categorized “Street Art”.

Street Art Bilbao

I made a documentation of the Street Art of Bilbao. I have collected about 160 works in the cityscape of the Basque City. The Street Art shows a wide range of styles, technics and motivation. The political debate for the independence of the Basque is visible as well as a series of space invaders. The SC Gallery started a program for the first murals in the city. Works by SUSO36, Aryz and Michael Grudziecki are the opener.

Mural of SUSO33 in Bilbao

160 photos from Bilbao are online as part of collection of Street Art from around the world. Which contains right now more than 2000 photos.

Street Art Bilbao

Street Art Berlin – 1. update 2016

Ein sonniger Tag, Zeit für eine Tour durch Mitte, Wedding und den Prenzlauer Berg um die Sammlung von Street Art zu erweitern.

Street Art Berlin, Wedding

45 Fotos ergänzen die fortlaufende Berliner Serie in der Galerie. Zusätzlich habe ich vor kurzem ein neues Instagram Profil: Street_Art_Berlin angelegt, das vor allem die App Street Art Berlin ergänzt.

App + instagram feed

As supplement to the App Street Art Berlin I’ve started the new instagram feed @street_art_berlin. Which will extend the the murals of the app by a lot of snapshots of the more fragile and short-lived works.

App Street Art Berlin

And if you want to get an upgrade from around the world. Have a look to my captured collection. About 2000 photos of Street Art from more than 15 cities, like London, New York, Marseille, Barcelona…

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