Today marks the 76th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The foundation of our coexistence. Everyone should know the article by heart. But do you?
I have published an artwork about it, to remember and to collect : Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Article 1. Enjoy the NFT I have minted on the platform teia which uses the crypto currency Tezos.
Today is the ‘World Braille Day’. Thanks to Louis Braille who created this alphabet for blind people. And still in the year 2024 it is not self-evident that texts are available in Braille. Communication is a human right.
Today marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The foundation of our coexistence. Everyone should know the article by heart. But do you?
I have published an artwork about it, to remember and to collect : Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Article 1. Enjoy the NFT I have minted on the platform teia which uses the crypto currency Tezos.
Der DON'T PANIC Towel Shop verkauft ausschliesslich ein Produkt, ein Handtuch zu Ehren von Douglas Adams und seinem Buch: Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis.
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