Posts tagged “Stadtführung”.

Freunde der Stadt

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Freunde der Stadt bietet ein umfangreiches Programm an Führungen in Berlin. Von einer zweistündigen Führung bis zum mehrtägigen Programm. Dazu exklusive Besuche in Museen oder eine Viewmaster-Zeitreise. Weitere Infos: Freunde der Stadt

Das magische Dreieck (The magic Triangle)

A guided tour via a location based game in Berlin. B-Tour – The International Art Festival Of Guided Tours presents:

Das magische Dreieck (The magic Triangle) by Uli Schuster

The Berlin Wall is a detrimental part of the german history which is familiar to most. But have you heard about the 180 people who were climbing over the wall from west to east trying to escape INTO the GDR in 1988? This tour is a location-based-game that explores this uncharted part of history while the participants are taking part in a competition. Das magische Dreieck brings you to the exact location where everything once happened. Using an iphone you will detect hotspots with information, questions and challenges. Excited? Let the game begin!

Date: 10.08 / 10:00-14:00 / in 30 min slots
Meeting point: Lennéstraße 1 / the corner of Ebertstraße (S+U Bhf Potsdamer Platz). The tour is located between Lennéstraße, Bellevuestraße und Ebertstraße.
Tickets for the tour you can purchase on the individual project page of the B_Tour festival website.

Flyer: B_Tour Festival Berlin 2014

Details of the tour:
_duration: 45 min
_language: DE
_number of participants: unlimited (participants will start in a 30 min slots)
_participants should bring an iPhone (the application is designed for iOS)
_PLEASE NOTE: PLEASE NOTE: participating in this tour requires downloading a specially designed application and requirements of soft- and hardware.
Requirements: iphone 4 or 5 with iOS7
Please, go with the browser of your iphone to: and download ‚Install 2.0 Beta 4 (’ directly on your device.

You will receive at the starting point of the tour a QR-Code to login to the game :)

A data connection is required.
One iPhone can be used for 1-4 people.

Here, the full program of the B_Tour festival.

Take a round in a paternoster elevator

EXTRA – Tour: Monday, june 18th – Meet at ‘Rathaus Schöneberg’, 2pm. Three paternosters are waiting for you.
Info: paternoster tour
Pay at starting point.

Paternoster Berlin

The paternoster – “an endangered species”. Take a round in a nostalgic elevator. Sightsseing with style. Discover Berlin.

The wonderful wodden cabins move in a certain smooth speed. And the sound while they shift to the other side at the bottom and the top are peculiar for the manual skills of the elevator.

While the majority of the paternosters were shut down. A few are still in use. I will take you with me to three which you can use.

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