Posts categorized “Allgemein”.

Happy birthday art

Today, is Art’s Birthday :) Let’s celebrate art with a performance. An honor to the kick off 1,000,062 years ago.

Owning a cloud is a poetic investment. Sharing the cloud a gesture of social commitment.

It all began 1,000,062 years ago, on January 17th. A person took a dry sponge and dropped it into a bucket of water. Who this person was is not important. The person is dead, but art is alive.

Human Rights Day 2024

Today marks the 76th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The foundation of our coexistence. Everyone should know the article by heart. But do you? 

I have published an artwork about it, to remember and to collect : Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Article 1. Enjoy the NFT I have minted on the platform teia which uses the crypto currency Tezos.

42 days until Xmas, but DON’T PANIC…

In harsh times, with the war in the Ukraine and the climate crisis, we need something we trust: A towel with the inscription DON’T PANIC. The countdown for Xmas shopping is running. But DON’T PANIC, the perfect Christmas gift is ready for shipping: The DON’T PANIC Towel

‘A Towel – Just about the most massively useful thing any interstellar Hitchhiker can carry.’*

For all hitchhiker’s and fans of Douglas Adams, the author of the ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ we have the right companion for your life, the Universe and Everything. A beautiful bath towel, with the smart advice: DON’T PANIC.

* Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, chapter 3

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