Posts tagged “app”.

RIP App: Street Art Berlin

My app Street Art Berlin is not anymore available. The reason is simple. The company which provided me with the technical infrastructure and service had shut down their service. That’s a pitty.
I will consider to continue with a mobile web app for iOS and android. But I will need some spare time to research for a good solution.

Thank you to all customers for using my app :)

App Street Art Berlin

RIP Karaoke Star

The portrait of Joe Hatchiban by the artist Vhils is gone. The gap in front of the mural is filled with a new building. In 2011 the artist had been invited to create four large scaled portraits. Two are left… Have a look to the app Street Art Berlin for a preview, description and the naviagtion towards the walls.


Street Art Berlin – 1. update 2016

Ein sonniger Tag, Zeit für eine Tour durch Mitte, Wedding und den Prenzlauer Berg um die Sammlung von Street Art zu erweitern.

Street Art Berlin, Wedding

45 Fotos ergänzen die fortlaufende Berliner Serie in der Galerie. Zusätzlich habe ich vor kurzem ein neues Instagram Profil: Street_Art_Berlin angelegt, das vor allem die App Street Art Berlin ergänzt.

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