Drei Roboter fertigen parallel jeweils ein Portrait an. Sie nutzen dabei ihre unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zum Modell. ETUDE HUMAINE (Studien am Menschen) ist eine Arbeit von Patrick Tresset, die z.Zt. in der Ausstellung ‘Smart Factory’ in Le Havre, Frankreich zu sehen ist. In der heutigen Zeit wo Millionen Selfies jede Sekunde entstehen muss man hier den Robotern 40min Zeit gönnen. Eingeladen ist jeder Besucher der Ausstellung soweit man Zeit & Lust hat…
Posted by Uli Schuster at 9:47 pm on July 28th, 2017.
Categories: Ausstellung, Fotos. Tags: Portrait, Zeichnung.
While walking through the city of Cairo I discovered the old painted advertisements. Handmade, often covering an entire facade of a building. Over the years, the colour disappears or peels off. The result are miracles of the past or lovely abstract murals…
Watch all 20 ghost signs in my gallery.
Posted by Uli Schuster at 2:49 pm on March 16th, 2017.
Categories: Fotos. Tags: advertisement, Cairo, ghost sign.
About 120 photos I have taken on the streets of Jerusalem. And on top I have visited the market ‘Mahane Yehuda’. It’s wonderful to go there at day and night. But if you want to see Street Art, you have to come back on Sabbath. Everything is closed and the shutters of the shops are down :) The artist Solomon Souza painted on the shutters portraits of historical and contemporary figures. About 130 so far.
I made also a trip to the Westbank. Where the Wall is the hotspot for the Street Art and political statements. And there is more than Banksy…
To complete the series of photos from Israel, I like to link to my previous post, for the photos from Tel Aviv.
If you want to travel around the world, here is my gallery with more than 3500 photos: Street Art Collection
Posted by Uli Schuster at 10:16 pm on November 17th, 2016.
Categories: Fotos, Street Art. Tags: Israel, Street Art, Westbank.