Posts categorized “Freunde der Stadt”.

Wahllokal – Eckkneipe oder Kirche?

Wer seine Stimme klassisch im Wahllokal abgibt wird dazu meist ein Schulgebäude aufsuchen. Allerdings gibt es auch unter den Wahllokalen einige Besonderheiten und Sehenswürdigkeiten. Vom Autohaus, über die Kirche und die Designshop Mall bis zur Eckkneipe – es ist alles dabei.

Die Qual der Wahl. Die kuriosesten Wahllokale in Berlin im Überblick als Fotogalerie bzw. über eine Google Map.

Wahllokal Berlin

Take a round in a paternoster elevator

EXTRA – Tour: Monday, june 18th – Meet at ‘Rathaus Schöneberg’, 2pm. Three paternosters are waiting for you.
Info: paternoster tour
Pay at starting point.

Paternoster Berlin

The paternoster – “an endangered species”. Take a round in a nostalgic elevator. Sightsseing with style. Discover Berlin.

The wonderful wodden cabins move in a certain smooth speed. And the sound while they shift to the other side at the bottom and the top are peculiar for the manual skills of the elevator.

While the majority of the paternosters were shut down. A few are still in use. I will take you with me to three which you can use.

Take a round in a paternoster elevator


The paternoster – “an endangered species”. Take a round in a nostalgic elevator. Sightsseing with style. Discover Berlin.

The wonderful wodden cabins move in a certain smooth speed. And the sound while they shift to the other side at the bottom and the top are peculiar for the manual skills of the elevator.

While the majority of the paternosters were shut down. A few are still in use. I will take you with me to three which you can use.

The next appointment is set to March 05, 2012. For details and the booking have a look to: – paternoster tour

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