Posts tagged “Berlin”.

Three new murals for Berlin

In the first four month of 2014 three walls were transformed to amazing murals of street art. The start has been done by case with the work ‚under the hand‘. Followed by an awesome painting by the group Da Mental Vaporz in the size of 43 x 11 meters. And finally Hiroyasu Tsuri aka TWOONE finished his ‚Dream scape‘ just a few days ago.

Street Art by case

Street Art by Da Mental Vaporz

Street Art by Twoone

If you like to see the murals in Berlin, use my app: Berlin Street Art You get a map to navigate and information about the artists and their work.

RAW – Street Art

12 Fotos der Street Art auf dem RAW Gelände in Berlin Friedrichshain.

The Wall: 43 x 11 Meter

Da Mental Vaporz - Berlin

Da Mental Vaporz sind eine französische Graffiti Crew die sich aus den Künstlern: Bom.K, Blo, Brusk, Dran, Gris1, Iso, Jaw, Kan, Sowat & Lek zusammensetzt. Letzte Woche haben sie eine Wand in Berlin-Friedrichshain gestaltet.

Da Mental Vaporz - Berlin

Hier gibt es die Fotos in XXL. Zugleich ist die Wand in meine App Berlin Street Art aufgenommen.

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