Happy Towel Day 2021. This year, May 25 is the 20th anniversary of the Towel Day.
It is the day to commemorate the author Douglas Adams, writer of the awesome work the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
If you like to join the celebration, please carry a towel with you. The Towel Day, a wonderful tribute to Adams and a sign in public to identify as hitchhiker :)
You don’t have one of these lovely DON’T PANIC Towels, yet? Shopping is a pleasure at the DON’T PANIC Towel Shop.
Of course, a good towel belongs to the standard equipment of my luggage. In addition to the practical value of warmth and shade, it always offers in large letters a wise advice for life: DON’T PANIC.
On the occasion of Towel Day 2021 I took as usual a photo, somewhere on planet Earth. This time, the pandemic version, I stay at home, in Berlin, Germany with my suitcase ready to travel again.
I like to share this photo ‘Towel Day 2021’ with the fans and hitchhiker’s of the H=N (hic et nunc / Here and Now) community. 3 collectable NFT are available @H=N.
Each DON’T PANIC NFT includes one DON’T PANIC towel. Shipping worldwide.
After one year of the pandemic, we are still in the status: Stay Safe – Stay Home. Avoid not necessary contacts. And we know, the only hope is vaccination. A life with minimal contacts and a lot of video conferences at the desk and cultural events just as streams on the couch. How does it feel? Thoughts from my diary:
As the NFT hype is mainly characterised by colorful gif animations, i like to focus on work which is based on text and black and white. I have chosen the platform hicetnunc (Here and Now), which open source, eco friendly (CleanNFT) and uses the crypto currency Tezos.
Der DON'T PANIC Towel Shop verkauft ausschliesslich ein Produkt, ein Handtuch zu Ehren von Douglas Adams und seinem Buch: Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis.
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